Call for papers special issue: AI and IoT in education: Training for Industry 5.0 and skills development in the 21st century

The rapid advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) is reshaping the educational paradigm, as in the sciences of education and in engineering and technology disciplines. The emergence of Industry 5.0 emphasizes the symbiotic collaboration between humans and intelligent systems, making it imperative to train future professionals with skills that integrate cognitive intelligence and highly interconnected technological environments. Likewise, AI and IoT are an opportunity to provide more inclusive and personalized education.

In this context, the teaching of disciplines such as electronics, automation, robotics, embedded computing, didactics or educational research requires innovative methodologies that incorporate AI to enhance personalized learning, optimize virtual and physical laboratory environments and foster the development of professional competencies aligned with the needs of industry and education. The synergy between AI and IoT in education improves the teaching of cyber-physical systems (CPS) and embedded technologies and enables adaptive and inclusive learning approaches based on real-time data.

This special issue aims to showcase cutting-edge research on the application of AI techniques (e.g., machine learning, natural language processing, large language models, expert systems, reasoning mechanisms, recommender systems, computer vision) and IoT technologies (e.g., architectures, platforms, frameworks, development environments, collaborative scenarios, protocols, devices) in technical education and the social sciences, providing a comprehensive overview of current developments, practical tools, and the challenges of integrating these technologies into curricula. We invite theoretical, experimental, and applied studies that address integrating advanced technologies into educational programs and assessing their impact on knowledge acquisition and skill development.


-Foundations and Trends in AI- and IoT-Assisted Education

-Technologies and Tools for AI and IoT-Enhanced Learning

-Case Studies and Innovative Applications in Technical Education and the Social Sciences

-Inclusive education with the use of AI and IoT

-Didactic innovation with AI and IoT for the development of professional competences


Deadline for submitting articles: 31st July 2025.

All articles submitted for this special issue must follow the rules established by the journal (



 Alejandro Lorenzó Lledó

Alejandro Lorenzo Lledó holds an International Doctorate in Educational Research, obtaining the Extraordinary Doctorate Award. He teaches at the Faculty of Education Sciences at the University of Granada (Spain). He has developed a relevant research career with publications in the field of educational inclusion, audiovisual media in education and Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Robotics and Artificial Intelligence applied to the attention of students with autism spectrum disorder. In this sense, he has more than 70 publications, including articles in JCR and SCOPUS journals. Member of European and national research projects, the most recent being: Design and application of a personalized and inclusive learning tool using Artificial Intelligence for students with autism spectrum disorder (PID2023-149706OB-I00), and The application of virtual reality and robotics in communication and social interaction of students with autism spectrum disorder (PID2020-112611RB-I00). He has been a speaker and member of the Scientific and Organizing Committee of several international congresses, such as the EDUTEC Congress and the CIEI Congress.


 Paula Lamo

Paula Lamo (Member, IEEE) received the bachelor’s degrees in naval engineering and marine engineering and the master’s degrees in maritime engineering and teacher training from the University of Cantabria, Cantabria, Spain, in 2010 and 2011, respectively, the master’s degrees in integrated management of environmental quality and occupational risk prevention and renewable energy from the University CEU San Pablo, Madrid, Spain, in 2012 and 2013, respectively, the master’s and Ph.D. degrees in occupational risk prevention and industrial engineering from the University CEU San Pablo and the University of Cantabria, in 2014 and 2019, respectively. Since 2014, she has been collaborating as a Researcher with the Department of Electronics Technology, Systems and Automation Engineering, University of Cantabria. She is currently an Associate Professor with the Universidad Internacional de La Rioja, Logroño, Spain. Her research interests include Internet of Things, Power Electronics, NewSpace and Artificial Intelligence.


 Ricardo S. Alonso

Ricardo S. Alonso. General Director at AIR Institute (Spain). Senior Lecturer and Academic Director of the Interuniversity Master’s Degree in AI for the Energy and Infrastructure Sector (UNIR, Spain). PhD in Computer Engineering (University of Salamanca, Spain). MSc in Quantum Computing (UNIR, Spain). Master’s degree in Business Administration / MBA (UNIR, Spain). MSc in Intelligent Systems (University of Salamanca, Spain). Telecommunications Engineering (University of Valladolid, Spain). He has published more than 25 research articles in international journals and more than 55 in international conferences. He has collaborated in more than 40 regional, national, and European R&D projects, having been the Principal Investigator in regional and European projects funded by the Horizon 2020 program. His research interests include Internet of Things, Edge Computing, Quantum Computing, Distributed Ledger Technologies, Embedded Systems, Location Systems, and Artificial Intelligence.