Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (Indonesia)
Received May 2022
Accepted July 2022
This study aims to reveal the effectiveness of the use of an augmented reality-assisted physics e-module based on the local wisdom of the pedicab in improving mathematical communication and critical thinking abilities. The study used the 4D model. Empirical trials were conducted involving 255 grade XII students. The effectiveness test was conducted in class X with 36 students as the experimental class and 36 students as the control class at SMA Negeri 1 Depok, Sleman. The data analysis used the QUEST to see the validity and reliability of the items, and the MANOVA test was carried out to see the effectiveness of the media. The results showed that the augmented reality-assisted physics e-module based on the local wisdom of pedicab was effective in improving mathematical communication with a score of 0.40 (large) and critical thinking abilities with a score 0.11 (medium).
Keywords – Augmented reality, Mathematical communication, Critical thinking, E-module, Pedicab.
To cite this article:
Dewi, P.S., & Kuswanto, H. (2023). The effectiveness of the use of augmented reality-assisted physics e-module based on pedicab to improve mathematical communication and critical thinking abilities. Journal of Technology and Science Education, 13(1), 53-64. |
1. Introduction
Students still find it difficult to understand physics concepts because they consider physics as a subject to memorize formulas. Physical events can actually be described visually, but there needs to be a special method that is expected to be able to explain these events so that they can be understood (Ajlouni & Jaradat, 2021; Rahmawati, Rustaman, Hamidah & Rusdiana, 2018). Students are required to read physics books without being equipped with supporting multimedia (Manurung & Panggabean, 2020; Sadaghiani, 2014). Media in the learning process equipped with multimedia can improve students’ understanding of physics material (Kurniawan, Darmaji, Astalini, Kurniawan, Hidayat, Kurniawan et al., 2019; Suprapto, Ibisono & Mubarok, 2021). E-modules as alternative media are able to help students to learn more freely because they are not limited to time and place in the learning process, and therefore multimedia-based e‑modules are usually better than print media modules as learning resources (Sadaghiani, 2014). This development demands learning innovations, both media and learning resources in order to train the ability and independence of students, so that learning is more effective and dynamic.
The use of technology in learning has been widely applied so that smartphones are now a learning companion for students. The use of augmented reality technology can develop and contribute to higher order thinking skills. Augmented reality makes objects look real and allows students to interact with digital information using cell phones (Grinshkun, Perevozchikova, Razova & Khlobystova, 2021; Mailizar & Johar, 2021; Wahyu, Suastra, Sadia & Sunarni, 2020). Augmented reality makes a positive contribution by attracting the attention and interest of students in learning because it creates a unique and realistic learning experience so that it can increase student activity and achievement. (Sirakaya & Cakmak, 2018; Wahyu et al., 2020).
In physics teaching and learning, there are many abilities that students need in order to solve physics problems, such as mathematical communication abilities. Mathematical communication can translate physics concepts into mathematical formulas to solve a problem. Mathematical representation skills also include the ability to interpret mathematical symbols and equations into physical meaning. It is used to observe predictions and assumptions of a problem by using reasoning skills so that students can understand, make, and evaluate mathematical and systematic assumptions and arguments (Doran, 2017; Tajudin & Chinnappan, 2016; Purwadi, Sudiarta & Suparta, 2019). This ability can help students analyze a problem and help them solve it.
Expressing opinions in solving various problems systematically can improve student’s critical thinking skills. Critical thinking skills include the high-level thinking skills that students must possess in solving a problem (Abdurrahman, Halim & Sharifah, 2021; Suhirman, Prayogi & Asy’ari, 2021). Critical thinking enables a person to be able to distinguish opinions and facts and prove the truth. They still find it difficult to understand the concepts of certain materials in each physics teaching topic (Habibi, Mundilarto, Jumadi, Gummah, Ahzan & Prasetya, 2020; Rahayu & Kuswanto, 2020; Sagala et al., 2019) and they often use mathematical communication abilities in learning and life (Docktor & Mestre, 2014).
Figure 1. Problem solving framework
In this study, the concepts of physics are explained in one of the local wisdoms of Indonesia. Learning activities that are associated with local wisdom can motivate students and support learning (Liliarti & Kuswanto, 2018; Wati, Hartini, Hikmah & Mahtari, 2018). Introducing local wisdom to students through local transportation in education is one of the efforts to preserve local transportation, one of which is the pedicab. This three-wheeled vehicle has a lot to do with physics teaching material, namely the concept of circular motion such as linear velocity, angular velocity, and angular acceleration.
This study applies an augmented reality-assisted e-module based on the local wisdom of pedicab, which is effective in improving mathematical communication and critical thinking abilities. If the media has an appeal and makes students want to try it, then the media developed is expected to improve mathematical communication and critical thinking abilities in learning physics. The problem-solving framework can be seen in Figure 1.
2. Research Method
2.1. Method
This study used a quasi-experimental research design with the different treatments of two classes. The experimental class use of augmented reality-assisted e-module based on a pedicab, while the control class using manual book that are often used by physics teachers at SHS 1 Depok, Sleman. The research design as shown in Table 1.
Group |
Pretest |
Treatment |
Posttest |
Experimental Class |
P1 |
T1 |
P2 |
Control Class |
P1 |
T2 |
P2 |
Table 1. Research design
P1: Test before being given treatment
P2: Test after being given treatment
T1: Physics teaching using AR e-module
T2: Physics teaching not using AR e-module
2.2. Research Sample
Empirical tests were conducted to determine the validity and reliability of the test instrument on circular motion material. The empirical test was administered to grade XI Science students of Senior High School 6 Yogyakarta and Senior High School 9 Yogyakarta involving a total of 255 students. The selection was made in class XI Science because they had studied circular motion material. The effectiveness test was administered to grade X Science at Senior High School 1 Depok, Sleman.
2.3. Research Instrument
The research instruments used are lesson plans, augmented reality-assisted e-modules, power points, and a test. The test items in the circular motion chapter can be seen in Table 2.
Variable |
Indicators |
Treatment |
Mathematical communication |
Creating an equation from another given representation |
Formulating mathematical equations from verbal representations |
Solving physics problems using mathematical equations |
Solving physics problems using mathematical equations |
Examining the problem based on mathematical data in the given figure, table, diagram, graph, or equation |
Presented with a picture of the relationship between several wheels, and then analyzing the ratio of the angular velocity and linear velocity between the wheels |
Critical Thinking |
Analyzing facts |
Formulating problems |
Defending, selecting, classifying, and evaluating logical arguments |
Presented with several arguments, then analyzing and choosing the arguments that are considered appropriate according to the concept of circular motion and centripetal acceleration |
Drawing conclusions |
Table 2. Matrix of variable and treatment
2.4. Data Analysis
The test items for mathematical communication and critical thinking abilities were analyzed for their validity and reliability by using the QUEST application. The validity of the items was seen from the infit mean square (MNSQ) value with a limit of 0.77 - 1.33 and if the OUTFIT t value was < 2 then the item was valid (Bond & Fox, 2007).
Mathematical communication and critical thinking abilities can be analyzed for improvement in the pretest and posttest data and then it was analyzed by using normalized gain (<g>) which could be calculated using equation (1) (Meltzer, 2002).
(1) |
The result of the normalized gain calculation was included in the criteria as shown in Table 3.
Gain Score |
Interpretation |
-1.00 ≤ g < 0.00 |
Decrease |
g = 0.00 |
No Increase |
g < 0.30 |
Low |
0.30 ≤ g ≤ 0.70 |
Medium |
g > 0.70 |
High |
Table 3. Interpretation of Normalized Gain
Statistically, the increase differences between mathematical communication and critical thinking abilities was calculated by using the MANOVA test on the SPSS application by first doing normality test (Shapiro Wilk-Kolmogorov Smirnov), homogeneity test (box’s M), correlation test. The effectiveness test was carried out by means of effect size analysis and can be seen using the partial eta squared results in the Tests of Between Subjects Effects table on the MANOVA test (Cohen, 1988). Interpretation of partial eta squared as shown in Table 4.
Partial eta squares |
Interpretation of Effect Size |
0.00 – 0.10 |
Small |
0.11 – 0.25 |
Medium |
0.26 – 0.40 |
Large |
> 0.40 |
Very Large |
Table 4. Interpretation of partial eta squared
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Result
3.1.1. Validity and Reliability of Mathematical Communication and Critical Thinking Ability Items Test
Validity and reliability are determined through empirical tests by testing the questions that have been made involving grade XI Science students. The empirical test analysis was carried out using the QUEST application. There are 14 questions consisting of six mathematical communication questions and eight critical thinking questions and that are in a fit state with PCM or suitable for use (valid). The infit mean square value is in the range of 0.77 to 1.33 as shown in Figures 2 and 3.
Figure 2. Results of the analysis of mathematical communication from infit mean square
Figure 3. Results of the analysis of critical thinking from infit mean square
Mathematical communication and critical thinking abilities are categorized as reliable and can be seen by reading the summary of item estimates and summary of case estimates shown in Table 5.
Indicators |
Summary |
Interpretation |
Summary |
Interpretation |
Mathematical Communication |
0.61 |
Reliable |
0.70 |
Reliable |
Critical Thinking |
0.63 |
Reliable |
0.81 |
Very Reliable |
Table 5. Results of the analysis of the reliability
The test instrument to measure mathematical communication and critical thinking abilities consisted of seven questions with all indicators represented in an essay form and they were declared valid and reliable so that they could be used.
3.1.2. Improvement in Mathematical Communication and Critical Thinking Ability
Mathematical communication and critical thinking abilities were measured by using essay tests on pretest and posttest. The experimental class was taught by using the augmented reality-assisted e-module based on local wisdom pedicab and the control class was taught by using the conventional teaching method. Each of the classes consisted of 36 students. The Normalized Gain (N-Gain) analysis was conducted to determine the improvement in mathematical communication and critical thinking abilities of both classes. The results of the N-Gain analysis can be seen in Table 6.
Increase in N-Gain between the experimental and control classes if the graph can be seen in Figure 4.
The statistical test analysis used IBM SPSS Statistics 21 software. Before conducting analysis using multivariate test (MANOVA) to determine the effect of augmented reality-assisted physics e-module based on local wisdom pedicab on mathematical communication and critical thinking abilities, there are several analytical requirements that must be met. First, the normality test was analyzed by looking at the Shapiro-Wilk column in the mathematical communication and critical thinking group the obtained a Sig value > 0.05 proving that the data were normally distributed. This can be seen in Table 7.
Indicators |
Class |
Average |
Average N-Gain |
Category |
Pretest |
Posttest |
Mathematical Communication |
Experimental |
29.4 |
81.3 |
0.74 |
High |
Control |
21.5 |
71.5 |
0.64 |
Medium |
Critical Thinking |
Experimental |
30.6 |
84.5 |
0.78 |
High |
Control |
31.3 |
70.3 |
0.56 |
Medium |
Table 6. Results of the analysis of N-Gain
Figure 4. N-Gain Differences between Experimental and Control Classes
Variable |
Class |
Shapiro-Wilk |
Statistic |
df |
Sig. |
Mathematical Communication |
Pre_ Experimental |
0.943 |
36 |
0.062 |
Post_ Experimental |
0.942 |
36 |
0.059 |
Pre_Control |
0.941 |
36 |
0.055 |
Post_Control |
0.954 |
36 |
0.141 |
Critical Thinking |
Pre_ Experimental |
0.956 |
36 |
0.165 |
Post_ Experimental |
0.941 |
36 |
0.056 |
Pre_Control |
0.948 |
36 |
0.091 |
Post_Control |
0.949 |
36 |
0.094 |
Table 7. Result of normality test
The results of the homogeneity test analysis can be seen in the Box’s M section. In the homogeneity test, only posttest data were analyzed and the results were to help analyze the distribution of a homogeneous population if the sig value was > 0.05. Based on the result of the analysis, obtained was the value of sig. 0.357 > 0.05, which means that the data are homogeneous, as shown in Figure 5.
The relationship between the dependent variable of mathematical communication and critical thinking abilities can be seen by doing a correlation testing by using SPSS. The testing result of the correlation between the dependent variables obtained the value of sig. (2-tailed) < 0.05, which means that the dependent variable is the ability to think critically and mathematical communication is linear or directly proportional between the control and experimental classes. The result of the correlation analysis can be seen in Figure 6.
The multivariate test (MANOVA) was carried out because there was a correlation between the dependent variables of mathematical communication and critical thinking ability and it was carried out after several prerequisite testing, namely normality, homogeneity, and correlation testing. The data analysis was carried out in the final test (posttest) to determine the effect of the augmented reality-assisted physics e-module based on the pedicab. The result of the analysis carried out by the Hotteling’s Trace section is shown in Table 8.
The effectiveness of the developed augmented reality-assisted physics e-module based on pedicab in physics learning is seen based on the results of field testing using the calculation of effect size and the percentage of N-Gain. The result of the effect size as shown in Table 9.
Figure 5. Result of homogeneity test
Figure 6. Result of correlation test
Effect |
Value |
Sig. |
Hotelling’s Trace |
0.737 |
0.000 |
Table 8. Result of Manova test
Variable |
Eta Square |
Interpretation |
Mathematical communication |
0.11 |
Medium |
Critical thinking |
0.38 |
Large |
Table 9. Result of analysis of effect size
3.1.3. Product of Augmented Reality Assisted Physics E-Module Based on Pedicab
The Augmented reality-assisted physics e-module based on the pedicab can be used on android smartphones. The e-module is designed to be simple and convenient to use when studying independently as shown in Figure 7. The explanation of the material is made easier by the augmented reality pedicab that can be adjusted as shown in Figure 8.
Figure 7. Cover and Menu of E-module
Figure 8. Augmented reality-assisted physics e-module based on pedicab
3.2. Discussion
This research produced a product in the form of an augmented reality-assisted e-module based on local wisdom pedicab and a question instrument to test the effectiveness of the product on mathematical communication and critical thinking abilities. Increased mathematical communication and critical thinking abilities can be obtained by giving test questions to students. First, the test questions are tested for validity and reliability using the QUEST application. The results of the analysis of mathematical communication and critical thinking are in the range of 0.77 to 1.33 so that they are declared valid and reliable.
Based on the analysis, it was found that there was an increase in mathematical communication and critical thinking abilities in the experimental and control classes. A significant improvement was found in the experimental class, which was taught by using the augmented reality-assisted physics e-module based on the pedicab. The teaching in the control class was focused on delivering learning materials, without connecting physics phenomena and concepts with everyday life. Of course, this is different from using learning media in the experimental class that connected physics content with local wisdom and technological assistance.
The MANOVA test was conducted to determine the effect of augmented reality-assisted physics e‑modules based on local wisdom pedicab on mathematical communication and critical thinking abilities, there are several analytical requirements that must be met such as normality test, homogeneity test and correlation test. The results of the analysis show that the value of sig. 0.00 < 0.05 as in Table 8,The results of the analysis show the value of sig. 0.00 < 0.05, which means that there is a difference between the dependent variable and the independent variable. This analysis is the answer to the hypothesis that has been prepared previously with the result of HO being rejected and Ha accepted so that there are differences in student’s mathematical communication and critical thinking abilities after they were taught by using the augmented reality-assisted physics e-module based on pedicab.
The result of the effect size analysis on mathematical communication is 0.11 with a medium effect size interpretation and critical thinking is 0.40 with the interpretation of large effect size interpretation. Tables 6 and 9 show the developed e-module has an effect on student’s abilities. So, e-module is effective to improve mathematical communication and critical thinking abilities.
Table 6 corresponds to previous studies (Astalini, Darmaji, Kurniawan, Anwar & Kurniawan, 2019; Handayani, Yuberti, Saregar & Wildaniati, 2021; Misbah, Sasmita, Dinata, Deta & Muhammad, 2021) and e-modules and augmented reality (Daineko, Tsoy, Seitnur & Ipalakova, 2022; Gopalan, Bakar & Zulkifli, 2020) the developed e-module is the development of innovative learning media by utilizing technology. Students think that the developed augmented reality can help them understand the material more easily and can improve their critical thinking abilities (Syawaludin, Gunarhadi & Rintayati, 2019).
Other findings state that physics learning media by utilizing the Androids based on local wisdom can stimulate the ability to represent critical thinking knowledge (Damayanti & Kuswanto, 2021) and student’s mathematical representation knowledge (Rahayu & Kuswanto, 2021). Table 9 shows Android mobile learning development is considered effective (Dolzhich, Dmitrichenkova & Ibrahim, 2021) and can improve the skills of students (Sari, Supahar & Ralmugiz, 2018). Local wisdom is widely developed in teaching and learning and has a positive effect on the improvement of the student’s character (Hartini, Firdausi, Misbah & Sulaeman, 2018; Suastra, Jatmiko, Ristiati & Yasmini, 2017; Wati et al., 2018), especially the local wisdom of the pedicab, as shown in the research by Kurniawan & Kuswanto (2021). The pedicab can be shown in this course and teaching has the aim of preserving culture and students can analyze the relationship between physics concepts and cultural phenomena in their environment.
The augmented reality-assisted e-module based on the pedicab allows students to learn individually, anytime, anywhere and material adapted to everyday phenomena. The design of e-modules and augmented reality based on local wisdom of pedicab can be seen in Figures 7 and 8.
4. Conclusion
Augmented reality-assisted e-module media based on local wisdom of the pedicab for learning circular motion material can improve mathematical communication and critical thinking abilities based on N-Gain scores, and the use of e-modules on learning achievement is effective in increasing mathematical communication abilities of 0.11 (medium effect size) and on critical thinking by 0.40 (large effect size).
Declaration of Conflicting Interests
The authors declared no potential conflicts of interest concerning the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.
The authors received no financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.
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Journal of Technology and Science Education, 2011-2025
Online ISSN: 2013-6374; Print ISSN: 2014-5349; DL: B-2000-2012
Publisher: OmniaScience